Write to Michael Gove to make sure homes are fit for the future.


The Government is putting roadblocks in the way of local councils who want to tackle fuel poverty and the climate crisis.

Back in December, Michael Gove’s department issued a statement which limits local authorities' ability to set energy efficiency targets for new homes, and undermines their powers to demand higher standards from developers.

The Tories like to talk about letting local people take control of local decisions, until communities want to go further with improving energy performance standards in new homes.

We can’t allow this to be a missed opportunity to tackle the climate crisis.

Good Law Project has teamed up with Rights Community Action to take legal action and make it easier for local communities to unlock the next generation of green homes.

Faced with the climate emergency, the cost of living crisis, and over three million households in fuel poverty, we need strong action from our Government on energy efficiency, not more watering down of climate commitments.

We need to build homes fit for the future – our planet and lives depend on it.

The climate crisis makes it all the more important that those in power hear your voice. Help us unleash the next generation of green homes.